The Jungle

Please list 5 details you learned about how meat was handled in the meat factories before there were laws to keep food safe.


Watchung Hills Regional High School

Name Date. I l t! - l. LITERATURE SELECTION ' from- The jungle by UPton Sinélair. Upton Sinclair's shocking portrayal of Chicago slaughterhouse: in the ealy.


2. Please list 5 details you learned about how meat was handled in the meat factories before there were laws to keep food safe.

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1) The government inspectors, which all the people believe are protecting them from diseased meat, are actually appointed at the request of the packinghouses themselves. The only authority these men have is to make sure all diseased meat stays in the state.

2) The packers also pay the local government “two thousand dollars a week hush-money” so that there are no inspections on tubercular (diseased) steers.

3) The diseased parts of the steers and hogs are injected with chemicals and spices and canned to be sold to the public. They have different labels, some costing more than others are, but it is all the same product. The packers buy rancid butter, which they oxidize to get rid of the odor. They re-churn it and then sell it.

4) The lamb meat that people often think they are buying is really goat meat.

5) "...spoiled meats went to be doctored."

6) "This floor was filthy, yet they set Antanas with his mop slopping the "pickle" into a hole that connected with a sink, where it was caught and used over again forever; and if that were not enough, there was a trap in the pipe, where all the scraps of meat and odds and ends of refuse were caught, and every few days it was the old man's task to clean these out, and shovel their contents into one of the trucks with the rest of the meat!"
