The Jungle

How does Jurgis feel about his job? (Need quote) How do the other men around him seem to feel about their jobs?

How does Jurgis feel about his job? (Need quote) How do the other men around him seem to feel about their jobs? Chapter Five

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Jurgis is happy with his job, though he never thought of the “flesh-and-blood side of it” until he works on the killing floor. The pace of the workers is very fast, and Jurgis notices how the bosses hire men that can speed up the pace of the other workers and install those men in crucial positions along the killing lines. This process is “speeding up the gang,” and anyone who cannot keep pace loses his job. Jurgis is dismayed to learn that unlike him, most men in the factory hate their jobs.


Yet Jurgis did not mind it; he rather enjoyed it. It saved him the necessity of flinging his arms about and fidgeting as he did in most work. He would laugh to himself as he ran down the line, darting a glance now and then at the man ahead of him. It was not the pleasantest work one could think of, but it was necessary work; and what more had a man the right to ask than a chance to do something useful, and to get good pay for doing it?



The Jungle,