The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

Why do you think George jilted Granny? Why doesn't she speculate on his reasons? Has Granny really gotten over being jilted by George, as she claims?


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In my opinion, George was simply afraid of marriage. Granny doesn't speculate about his reasons because they don't matter.... the jilting itself is the only thing that matters. All in all, I think Granny was past the hurt and humiliation, she had a long full life. It was only while laying in bed, waiting for the end that she looked back on what was and could have been.

As we can see by observation, Granny has extemist beliefs. Granny wants a sign in the end. She thinks because it wasn't given to her when she demanded that there was no sign at all. This is an incorrect assumption if we examine the story more closely. Granny has several signs that God is with her. Her family is there, that's one. She had a loving husband that she wanted to show off to George, that's two. And she grabs her sons finger instead of Rosary. So in a sense this is Porter's way of showing the damage to personal thought due to extremities. So George wasnt as afraid of commitment as extemities. And once again she doesn't speculate on his reasoning because this is a sign of secretive sin. She doesn't tell it about George because she knows that she has secret sin too. And she never got over the jilting. And that's the reason why that it could be a consideration to why George jilted her to begin with.