The Jade Peony

How does the image of Chinatown reflect the blending of cultures that can happen when people immigrate to a new country?

?? the jade peony ?? HELP PLEASE !!

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In context, people need to learn the language. Even the Chinese living in Chinatown had to learn different dialects, as their neighbors came from different parts of China.

Another example can be found in Grandma's windchimes;

These were not ordinary, carelessly made chimes, such as those you now find in our Chinatown stores, whose rattling noises drive you mad. But making her special ones caused dissension in our family, and some shame. Each one that she made was created from a treasure trove of glass fragments and castaway costume jewellery, in the same way that her first windchime had been made. The problem for the rest of the family was in the fact that Grandmama looked for these treasures wandering the back alleys of Keefer and Pender Streets, peering into our neighbors’ garbage cans, chasing away hungry, nervous cats and shouting curses at them.


The Jade Peony