The Interpretation of Dreams Glossary

The Interpretation of Dreams Glossary


The rational part of the self (mind) as opposed to id and superego.


The pleasure drive of the self (mind) which is constant conflict with the superego.


That part of the self shaped by conscience which is in turn shaped by external pressures to conform to standards of behavior.


Related to the rational part of the self, it is that part of the mind of which a person is aware and is capable of apprehending.


The irrational part of the self of which a person is not aware and which may be apprehended through some form of psychoanalysis.


The cause behind a disease.


System for analyzing psychological drives and motivations that remain repressed or unclear to the patient as a means of treating the etiology of their emotional problems or mental disorders.


An element of behavior that has lain dormant, but is beginning to manifest through early indication signs.


As opposed to latent behavior, behavior that is manifested exists on the surface as an obvious actions which do not need decoding.


The process of putting together know facts with informed suppositions to arrive at a rational conclusion.


The state of mental processing that occurs when an unconscious impulse is inhibited from being acted upon.


The human sex drive.


A heightened and intensified state of anxiety classified as a mental disorder when unconscious is consistently denied expression


A state in which a person holds two equally strong feelings about something that are entirely capable of being in compete opposition to each other.


Unscientific means of interpreting generic symbols or patterns of latent behavior which generally tend to manifest across the spectrum of individual types.




The integrity and moral righteousness of a person.


The belief in something despite all facts and evidence pointing to the contrary.


A conclusion based solely on that evidence which can be observed rather than merely interpreted from available facts.


A word with a meaning specific to the discipline which is not applicable to its definition within other disciplines; in this case, materialism has nothing to do with economic theory, but is instead an instead an assumption of the mental processing is a neurological function residing entirely within the brain as opposed to the mind.


A fear which is intensified beyond the rational expectations of ever actually being placed in positions where what is fear transpires. In other words, someone with the same level of far heights who works as window washer would not be suffering from a phobia while someone who lives in a tow with not building over two stories would be. It is not the degree of fear which defines a phobia, but rather the degree of possibility of being forced to face that fear.

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