The Life of Olaudah Equiano

the interesting narrative of the life of olaudah equiano slave ship

q.1 what is the main theme of this reading

q.2 what emotions does equino feel throughout this ordeal? why?

q.3 how does he describe the conditions aboard the ship.

q.4 what experiences does he encounter while onboard the ship personally?

q.5 for what reasons were the slaves put oon the ship

q.6 what fear did uquiano have on the ship? why did they persist?

q.7 how are the white men portrayed in this reading?

q.8 what did they do with the bodies?

q.9 based on what you have read what emotions would you have if you where equiano and what would you do in that situation?

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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The chapter is titled, "Slave Ship"?