The Hunger Games

Why did Katniss and Peeta get a basket of food?

In the Hunger Games book, Why did Katniss and Peeta get a basket of food? In chapter 22

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To continue tempting Haymitch to send gifts, Katniss asks more personal questions, which leads Peeta to share that he has loved her since he first saw her. It turns out that his father, the baker, was in love with Katniss's mother, but the latter ran off with her miner father because "even the birds [stopped] to listen" when he sang. Katniss is impressed with how well Peeta sells the romance angle, but for the first time grows suspicious about the "ring of truth" to his words, and whether that suggests true feelings behind what she assumes are otherwise lies for the camera. Their intimacy continues until she initiates a kiss, which is interrupted by a clang outside. They look out to find a parachute containing a veritable feast of food.