The Hot Zone

What did Nurse Mayinga you before she was finally checked into the hospital they’re concerned in with the visuals around the globe? Why exactly did Everyone panic?

From the hot zone

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The nurse began feeling ill herself and simply did not return to work. Instead she dis the worst thing possible for a carrier of Ebola. She basically disappeared into the city for two days. She took a taxi to a different, larger, hospital in the city, but was sent away with a malaria shot. She’s examined at a third hospital and sent away yet again. She had come into contact with many people, including the sick.

"Finally she returns to Ngaliema hospital and is admitted, but by that time, had caused a panic. Preston says: “When the story reached the offices of the World Health Organization in Geneva, the place went into full-scale alert…Nurse Mayinga seemed to be a vector for an explosive chain of lethal transmission in a crowded third-world city with a population of two million people. Officials at WHO began to fear that Nurse Mayinga would become the vector for a world-wide plague. European governments contemplated blocking flights from Kinshasa. The fact that one infected person had wandered around the city for two days when she should have been isolated in a hospital room began to look like a species-threatening event.”