The Hot Zone

How many different proteins make up an Ebola virus partical, and what is known about them?

A question from a study guide packet over The Hot Zone book.

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From the text:

The Ebola virus particle contains only seven different proteins— seven distinct types of large molecules arranged in a long braided structure that is the stringy Ebola particle. Three of these proteins are vaguely understood, and four of the proteins are completely unknown— their structure and their function is a mystery. (Page 63)
The seven mysterious proteins that, assembled together, make up the Ebola-virus particle, work as a relentless machine, a molecular shark, and they consume the body as the virus makes copies of itself. (Page 103)

Preston, Richard. The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus (p. 63). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.