The Hot Zone

How do the results and findings relate to the symptoms of connective tissue damage

Chapter 2 (Jumper)

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From the text:

"The connective tissue in his face is dissolving, and his face appears to hang from underlying bone, as if the face is detaching itself from the skull."

"The connective tissue under the skin had been destroyed by the virus, causing a subtle distortion of the face."

"Ebola attacks connective tissue with particular ferocity; it multiplies in collagen, the chief constituent protein of the tissue that holds the organs together. (The seven Ebola proteins somehow chew up the body's structural proteins.) In this way, collagen in the body turns to mush, and the underlayers of the skin die and liquefy. The skin bubbles up into a sea of tiny white blisters mixed with red spots known as a maculopapular rash. The rash has been likened to tapioca pudding. spontaneous rips appear in the skin, and hemorrhagic blood pours from the rips. The red spots on the skin grow and spread and merge to become huge, spontaneous bruises, and he skin goes soft and pulpy, and can tear off if it is touched with any kind of pressure. You mouth bleeds, and you bleed around your teeth, and you may have hemorrhages from the salivary glands-literally every opening in the body bleeds, no matter how small."


The Hot Zone