The Hobbit

what does Bilbo notice as he and the dwarves are floating in empty barrels out of Mirkwood?

Chapter 10

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Bilbo saw the Mountain, as they floated in the barrels out of Milkwood.

Then Bilbo saw a sight: The lands opened wide about him, filled with the waters of the river which broke up and wandered in a hundred winding courses, or halted in marshes and pools dotted with isles on every side: but still a strong water flowed on steadily through the midst. And far away, its dark head in a torn cloud, there loomed the Mountain! Its nearest neighbours to the North-East and the tumbled land that joined it to them could not be seen. All alone it rose and looked across the marshes to the forest. The Lonely Mountain! Bilbo had come far and through many adventures to see it, and now he did not like the look of it in the least.


The Hobbit