The Histories Literary Elements

The Histories Literary Elements


Combination between fictional history and history

Setting and Context

The action described takes place in the distant past in various locations all over the world.

Narrator and Point of View

The actions are told from the perspective of a third-person objective point of view.

Tone and Mood

The tone and mood is a neutral one.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonists are the Greeks and the antagonists are the Spartans.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is the book is between the universal power held by destiny and the need every person has to fight for what he or she wants and for the need to create one’s own path in life.


Because of the way in which the action is constructed, it is hard to distinguish one climactic moment. However, one such moment could be pointed out as being the end of the Trojan war.


The labyrinths through which the Egyptians have to go through in life are used to foreshadow the later challenges it is believed they will have to deal with in the afterlife.


The assertion that war is a glorious cause is an understatement because later war is described as being extremely brutal and not worth fighting for.


One of the most important allusions the reader finds in the first book is the idea that Paris was not motivated by his love for Helen when he decided to rape her but rather by the need to get revenge.


We have an important imagery in the second book where the narrator describes a large group of children who were deprived of language. These children grew up to be


One of the main paradoxes in the book is how even though the characters know they will suffer if they fall in love, they still decide to go forward with it.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

Nakedness is used in the book as a general term to make reference to the idea of vulnerability.


We have a personification in the sentence “the ship was powerless in the face of the ruthless wind”.

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