The Hiding Place

How was the fear of boredom exhibited by Corrie and her fellow prisoners in schevningen chapter 10

How was the fear of boredom exhibited by Corrie and her fellow prisoners in schevningen. List four behaviours

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Corrie begins to learn about prison life, which includes sanitary buckets, two meals of watery porridge and bread, her cellmate’s refusal to discuss personal lives and worst of all, prison boredom. Thankfully, a kind young woman tells her companion to relinquish the only cot in the cell for Corrie to sleep on. Lying on this filthy straw, Corrie worries about the people in the hiding place, and her family members in prison. A woman teaches Corrie solitaire to pass time, using toilet paper as cards. However, this game introduces a new temptation: Corrie connects the success or failure of the game with outside events. Rather than giving into these kind of omens, Corrie stops playing.