The Help

What is the conclution of the drama?

Can someone explain?

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In the final chapter, all three of the main characters (Skeeter, Minny, and Aibileen) are poised on the edge of a great change in their lives. Skeeter's new beginning is a bit more promising than that of the others; though she cannot publicly claim credit for the book about the maids, her connections with Elaine Stein have earned her a position at Harper's Magazine in New York City. Because of her secure job at Celia's house, Minny has left her abusive husband after his threat to murder her; however, it is not clear how she will support her five children without his assistance. Aibileen was been fired from the Leefolt household, but she has a steady income from the book and the Miss Myrna column, and she realizes that she is free to do what she wants with her life.

The three main characters have been freed of the things that trapped them. In Skeeter's case, this was Mississippi society; in Minny's, her violent husband; in Aibileen's, her difficult job at the Leefolt home. On the other hand, Hilly is trapped by the same social conventions she once participated in it. As Aibileen wisely notes, she will be in a prison of her own making for the rest of her life, forever trying to convince people that she didn't eat the pie.

