The Help

Look at the relationship between Hilly and her bridge club friends. Now look at the relationship between Celia and Minny. Which of these relationships, by our standards, is a more acceptable relationship?

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These relationships are very different. Hilly's bridge club, as well as her involvement in the women's organization always reminds me of high school girls vying for popularity. These relationships aren't built on trust or friendship, they're generally based on who's the most popular at the moment.... who hasn't stolen the other girl's boyfriend.... and who can do the most for me today. Hilly and the other women remind me of sixteen year olds who've never grown up.

Celia and Minny's relationship develops. It has nothing to do with perceived status, and it is based upon truthfulness and trust.

Looking at society, I'd say society continues to embrace both types of relationships. Note, if one is looking for true friendship, they're looking for what Celia and Minny share.


The Help