The Heart of the Matter

What is the significance of setting in The Heart of the Matter.


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"The Heart of the Matter" takes place in Sierra Leone at a colonial outpost. The setting is WWII. This is significant because much of the novel revolves around political intrigue, war, and espionage...... it is a novel of morality. Thus, the atrocities of war, the oppression of colonial rule, and the religion of a community all serve as a realistic backdrop for decisions that will be made.


The Heart of the Matter

In the first place it is written in the war period and this explains the various absurdities.... Scobie is not promoted and this is because its a war period additionally with Louise's dissapointment scobie is not given a loan by Robinson because in the war times even bank officials fear for their business. Their is no proper communication for example censorship of letters... Then physical setting the brothel is next to a nursery school and the police thus immortality, corruption of the police which is not doing ts work........


Heart of the matter Answered by Ruth.....Uganda