The Handmaid's Tale

Why does Offred choose the Soul Scrolls store to show the development of the relationship between Ofglen and Offred?

Why does Offred choose the Soul Scrolls store to show the development of the relationship between Ofglen and Offredin Chapter27?

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It's a public place, and the development of their relationship is shown not through their actions or conversation, but rather their body language and thoughts passed from one mind to another. In a way, it's far more intimate than a private setting because they're not under complete surveillance.

"They walk to the store known as the Soul Scrolls and look in the window at the machines that continuously print standard prayers paid for by Commanders' Wives. Before the war, the store sold lingerie. Offred catches Ofglen's eyes in the reflection of the window, and they hold each other's gaze steadily. Then Ofglen asks in a whisper if she thinks God listens to the mechanical prayers of the Soul Scrolls. This is a treasonous question. Offred considers protesting, but instead says no. Ofglen is relieved and reveals that neither does she believe God listens to the prayers. They move away from the shop, fearing hidden microphone, and continue their conversation with new freedom. They both confess they thought the other was a true believer. Ofglen asks Offred to join an underground alliance of dissenters, but then they enter a crowded area and their conversation is cut short. On the way home, a van pulls up near them and two Eyes violently arrest an unassuming man on the street. Offred is shocked by this encounter, but relieved that it was not her being arrested."


what were they refering to when they speak of the anti-womens liberation?