The Great Gatsby

What is the type of sentences he tends to write(simple, compound, complex, compound-complex) (great gatsby)

He had changed since his New Haven years. Now he was a sturdy straw-haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner. Two shining arrogant eyes had established dominance over his face and gave him the appearance of always leaning aggressively forward. Not even the effeminate swank of his riding clothes could hide the enormous power of that body-he seemed to fill those glistening boots until he strained the top lacing, and you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat. It was a body capable of enormous leverage-a cruel body.

His speaking voice, a gruff husky tenor, added to the impression of fractiousness he conveyed. There was a touch of paternal contempt in it, even toward people he liked-and there were men at New Haven who had hated his guts.

look at how Fitzgerald uses syntax

-note the length of the sentences

-note his use of the appositive(how does he use appositive)

-what type of sentence does he write( complex compound compound-complex)

please please help

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He had changed since his New haven years. - simple

he seemed to fill those glistening boots until he strained the top lacing, and you could see a great pack of muscle shifting when his shoulder moved under his thin coat - this part of this sentence is complex with the comma after lacing followed by and

If you include the whole sentence from "Not" you really have a compound-complex although the dash/hyphen does complicate the idea.

voice, a gruff husky tener - this is the use of an appositive - voice is described like the voice of a "tenor" which could be a singer which would then make it an apositive