The Great Gatsby

How does the company Gatsby keeps, especially Meyer Wolfsheim, affect his characterization? Explain.

How does the company Gatsby keep, especially Meyer Wolfsheim, affect his characterization? Explain.

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The company Gatsby keep brings his moral character into question. Nick finds Gatsby an admirable character despite knowing of his illegal dealings and bootlegging. Strangely, it is Daisy who takes pause at Gatsby's sordid past. She is appalled by his "dishonesty," though not because she sees his actions as immoral.... her indignation is class-based. Daisy judges Gatsby on what she expects from members of her class.... her social circle. Honesty and morality are portrayed as dependent on class and gender in this novel..... Gatsby's position as one of the newly rich makes his actions repulsive and immoral, but this sense of right and wrong does not apply to the Buchanans. When Tom finds about his wife's infidelity, he finds it inexcusable.... he does not, however, hesitate to lie to her about his own affair.


The Great Gatsby