The Great Gatsby

Describe tom buchanan. Compare and contrast him to nick and speculate on reason for Tom wanting nick to meey Myrtle


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Tom Buchanan

A brutal, hulking man, Tom Buchanan is a former Yale football player who, like Daisy, comes from an immensely wealthy Midwestern family. His racism and sexism are symptomatic of his deep insecurity about his elevated social position. Tom is a vicious bully, physically menacing both his wife and his mistress. He is a thoroughgoing hypocrite as well: though he condemns his wife for her infidelity, he has no qualms about carrying on an affair himself.


Nick Carraway

The novel's narrator, Nick Carraway comes from a well-to-do Minnesota family. He travels to New York to learn the bond business; there, he becomes involved with both Gatsby and the Buchanans. Though he is honest, responsible, and fair-minded, Nick does share some of the flaws of the East Egg milieu. However, of all the novel's characters, he is the only one to recognize Gatsby's "greatness," ­ revealing himself as a young man of unusual sensitivity.


Tom simply wants to show off his mistress, and the fact that he has a mistress.


The Great Gatsby

Thank you so much :)