The Great Gatsby

Chapter 9

Why is the book called "The Great Gatsby"?

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The title, The Great Gatsby, is important in a few different ways. First, it serves a an introduction to the novel's main character and protagonist, who we immediately know is going to be larger than life, and he doesn't disappoint us. He's rich and handsome, he has a beautiful mansion, he drives a luxury automobile, and he throws the most lavish parties.

The title is also important because it's theatrical. The Great Gatsby might be a magician, and in reality..... he is just that. We're fooled by the parties, the elegance, and the exterior..... the presentation, when in all actuality, Gatsby is merely a love-sick man, who's made a fortune, and has come to reignite lost love. Unfortunately, over the course of the novel his tricks are thinly veiled, he is exposed as someone who made his money through questionable means, and he hangs out with gangsters.


The Great Gatsby