The Grapes of Wrath

What is the importance of the dance? The turkey shoot?

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The migrant workers have little time or opportunity for diversion and amusement. The dance is a chance to just relax and socialize.

Like the dance, the turkey shoot affords relaxation and even a bit of friendly competition between the man.

"Well, sir—it was las' March, an' one Sunday five thousan' of them mountain men had a turkey shoot outside a town. Five thousan' of 'em jes' marched through town with their rifles. An' they had their turkey
shoot, an' then they marched back. An' that's all they done. Well, sir, they ain't been no trouble sence then. These here citizens committees give back the pick handles, an' the storekeepers keep their stores, an' nobody been clubbed nor tarred an' feathered an' nobody been killed." There was a long silence, and then Black Hat said, "They're gettin' purty mean out here. Burned that camp an' beat up folks. I been thinkin'. All our folks got guns. I been thinkin' maybe we ought to get up a turkey shootin' club an' have meetin's ever' Sunday."


The Grapes of Wrath