The Golden Compass

What were some of the biggest decisions and choices the characters had to make and what were the consequences?

Throughout the book, the characters have to make big decisions to overcome certain obstacles. Lyra chooses to lie for example which is immoral but benefits the protagonist, her. Ms coulter on the other hand chooses to seperate children from their demons which is very wrong. Using stylistic features how does the author write about the choices the characters in the book make? Do their choices help with the perception as an audience?

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Loyalty is a powerful force that weighs heavily on the decisions of the characters in The Golden Compass. Often this takes the form of a social debt. For example, Lord Asriel has performed many good deeds for the gyptian people over the years. For this reason, John Faa feels that the gyptians owe it to Lord Asriel to protect his daughter Lyra. In turn, Serafina Keppala and her clan owe a debt to Farder Coram because he saved her life forty years ago. In the world that Pullman creates, such social debts may even overpower physical strength. After Lyra helps Iorek Byrnisson to recover his armor, Iorek is almost lost in a fit of rage. However, Lyra is able to convince him to control himself because he is indebted to her for reuniting him with his armor.

