The Glass Castle

What are the walls methods for raising children.?

give examples. Contrast their views with traditional methods for raising children

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I think that people generally try to nurture and guide their children. The Walls parents neglect their children to the extent of abuse. Consider when Rex threw Jeannette into the lake to teach her how to swim.

If you don't want to sink, you better figure out how to swim. (Pg. 66)

Rex teaches Jeannette how to swim by literally forcing her to sink or swim. He repeatedly throws her into a sulfur spring in the desert, rescuing her when she sinks only to throw her back in again. Using these methods, Rex is able to train Jeannette to paddle and swim in order to avoid being thrown back into the water. This strategy is representative of Rose Mary and Rex's general approach to parenting. Refusing to coddle their children, they often present them with challenges, some life threatening, that the children are forced to handle.

The Walls do not coddle or even monitor their children. They often leave them alone in dangerous situation, and as a result, the children are often hurt. We also see that the children are not priorities. They're not cared for emotionally or physically, they often have little to eat, they're left behind, and parenting often falls on the children themselves.... even to the point that they have to care for their parents.