The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle

On the basis of what happens to the children what does the parents unwillingness to close the house at night suggests about there values

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In context, we can infer that Rose Mary and Rex were oblivious to the fact that they needed to protect their children, and that they found their children's fear unimportant in the grand scheme of things. They put their own needs and beliefs before the needs, fears, and safety of their children.

The next day, when Dad came home and we told him what had happened, he said he was going to kill that lowlife sonofabitch. He and Brian and I went out on a serious Pervert Hunt. Our blood up, we searched the streets for hours, but we never did find the guy. I asked Mom and Dad if we should close the doors and windows when we went to sleep. They wouldn't consider it. We needed the fresh air, they said, and it was essential that we refuse to surrender to fear.

So the windows stayed open. Maureen kept having nightmares of men in Halloween masks. And every now and then, when Brian and I were feeling revved up, he'd get a machete and I'd get a baseball bat and we'd go Pervert Hunting, clearing the streets of the creeps who preyed on kids.


The Glass Castle