The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle

what does it suggest that even though they know its illegal, parents put children into the back of a U-haul?

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This suggests the parents disdain for the law and selfishness. Children aren't allowed in the back of a U-Haul because it's dangerous.

Mom and Dad rented a great big U­Haul truck. Mom explained that since only she and Dad could fit in the front of the U­Haul, Lori, Brian, Maureen, and I were in for a treat: We got to ride in the back. It would be fun, she said, a real adventure, but there wouldn't be any light, so we would have to use all our resources to entertain one another. Plus we were not allowed to talk. Since it was illegal to ride in the back, anyone who heard us might call the cops. Mom told us the trip would be about fourteen hours if we took the highway, but we should tack on another couple of hours because we might make some scenic detours.


The Glass Castle