The Glass Castle

its a bunch of questions to make an essay and i need help?

Discuss the places the Walls family lived, giving particular attention to Battle Mountain, Phoenix, Welch, and New York City. What is the culture of each place? What part does setting play in this story? How does place influence the events in the story? What part does the family’s early vagrancy play in the story? How do you account for Rex and Rose Mary’s apparent comfort level with being homeless?

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This is only a short answer space. You need to submit each of your questions one at a time.

Discuss the places the Walls family lived,

Jeanette is born in Arizona.

The family moves to Las Vegas where they live in a hotel.

After Mr Walls is discovered cheating at blackjack, the family moves to San Francisco where they live in a hotel/brothel.

From San Francisco, the family moves on to Midland, CA., where they live in the desert.

Blythe, CA~ They move into an apartment and Jeanette goes to school.

Battle Mountain, Nevada~ The family moves into a deserted train station, very poor neighborhood.

Phoenix~ The family moves into Grandma's house; they are happy; the kids are back in school, and Dad is working.

Welch, WV~ The family moves in with Rex's parents; it's a disaster.

New York, NY~ The family follows Lori to the Big Apple.