The Giver

Why is Jonas so adamant that Lily is not angry over the playground infraction, just impatient and exasperated?

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Intense anger is not a trait that the Elders like. Jonas tries to diffuse the situation so she is not reported to the Elders for her outburst.

The reason why Jonas is so adamant about Lily not being mad about the playground infraction because she likes to go on the playground when she is on her free time. I found this evidence in paragraph 17. This evidence shows that Lily is not mad about what happened to the playground.

Intense anger is not a trait that the Elders like. Jonas tries to diffuse the situation so she is not reported to the Elders for her outburst. The reason why Jonas is so adamant about Lily not being mad about the playground infraction because she likes to go on the playground when she is in her free time.