The Five People You Meet in Heaven

The Five People You Meet in Heaven Quotes and Analysis

"No story sits by itself. Sometimes stories meet at corners and sometimes they cover one another completely, like stones beneath a river."

- Narrator, pg. 10

This quote comes from the opening chapter of The Five People You Meet in Heaven, during which the narrator is counting down the remaining minutes in Eddie's life. The quote reveals the novel's theme of interconnectedness, which Eddie will come to embrace in his journey towards Heaven. Every human life affects another, sometimes in ways that are difficult to understand in the moment. Therefore, Albom encourages his readers to see that human beings do not exist in separate compartments. Instead, humanity as a whole is a series of stories, flowing, mixing, and changing in unexpected ways.

"People think of Heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless."

- Narrator, pg. 35

Here, Albom debunks the dated and/or cliched view of a Heaven filled with the familiar imagery of angels, clouds, and harps. Albom’s interpretation of Heaven goes beyond these superficial markers; he indicates that Heaven is a process of spiritual catharsis instead of a singular physical destination. Eddie learns that his journey into the afterlife can only progress if he deals with the emotional and spiritual baggage he is carrying from his earthly life. Eddie’s encounters with his five people in Heaven are not always comforting; these meetings are emotionally and physically painful at times. Therefore, Albom ascribes an important purpose to his depiction of Heaven: to break all earthly ties - no matter how beloved or wretched the memories might be.

"This is the greatest gift God can give you: to understand what happened in your life. To have it explained. It is the peace you have been searching for."

- The Blue Man, pg. 35

Albom has said that his inspiration for writing The Five People You Meet in Heaven was imagining his late Uncle Eddie finally realizing how much he meant to so many people. Therefore, this quote represents the aspirational and wishful aspect of Albom's novel without espousing a particular version of God or religious doctrine. Albom defines his idea of Heaven through the Blue Man's explanation: one must undergo the important process of purging all the emotional baggage from earthly life even if it is painful at times. This cleansing is what ultimately releases the soul into eternal "peace."

"Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know."

- The Blue Man, pg. 49

This is one of the last things the Blue Man says to Eddie during their encounter. After learning that he was responsible for the Blue Man's death, Eddie feels bereft, frustrated by the injustice of the situation. The Blue Man comforts Eddie by reminding him that all of humanity is interconnected and that bonds form between certain people only by chance and circumstance. Moreover, these interactions often have both positive and negative effects, making it difficult to categorize a particular incident as "unfair." Just as young Eddie had no idea that chasing his ball into the street would result in a man's death, old Eddie had no idea that his days on Ruby Pier could actually ever benefit anyone. Similarly, the Blue Man, an eternal outcast, had no idea that he could be capable of giving someone else the most valuable gift of all: the gift of life. The Blue Man protected Eddie, a stranger, in a way that Eddie's own father never could. 

"No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone."

- The Blue Man, pg. 50

In the beginning of the novel (and on the day of Eddie's death), Eddie seems like a lonely man filled with regret and frustration. At Ruby Pier, he is surrounded by families; even his employees have happy lives outside of the park. Eddie lacks any of these comforts and therefore cannot see the effects his life has on others until after his death. While this quote may read as a positive affirmation, there is more beneath the surface. Eddie's life has affected people in both positive and negative ways - thus making the Blue Man's statement a pure, scientific fact. Eddie might think he is alone, but he is not, whether he likes it or not. The "Five People" he meets in Heaven help Eddie to recognize his impact on the world. Yes, he was indirectly responsible for the Blue Man's death; he killed his Filipino captors; his Captain died trying to evacuate him. However, he also saved the surviving members of his platoon, he died trying to save a young girl at Ruby Pier, and he brought joy to many children, among other things. 




"Time is not what you think. Dying? Not the end of everything. We think it is. But what happens on Earth is only the beginning."

- the Captain, pg. 91

The Captain comforts Eddie after revealing Eddie's indirect involvement in the Captain's own death. Eddie is more upset about the Captain's death than the Captain himself because the Captain has progressed much further along in his journey; now, it is his duty to teach Eddie about the importance of sacrifice. At this point, Eddie still sees death as a tragedy, a reason for condolences and apology. The Captain, however, teaches him that grieving is only how people on earth deal with death. In Heaven, where there is no timeline, no ticking clock, and no weakening bones, the Captain does not feel sorrowful about his death. Instead, he says, he "got to keep [his] promise. [He] didn't leave [Eddie] behind" (94). 



"Sacrifice, you made one. I made one. We all make them. But you are angry over yours. You kept thinking about what you lost… You didn’t get it. Sacrifice is a part of life."

- the Captain, pg. 93

Each of Eddie's five encounters follows the same pattern. The individual that Eddie is slated to meet reveals him or herself to him, explains why they are connected, and then allows Eddie to see a tragedy in his life in a new, positive way. The Captain is only the second person Eddie meets in Heaven, but he addresses one of the darkest and most painful periods in Eddie's life: the war. Eddie is angry at the Captain when he learns that the Captain shot him to keep him from going into a burning tent. However, as the Captain explains in the above quote, Eddie is still holding on to his opinion that his own life was meaningless. He will learn over the course of the novel that without the Captain's sacrifice to save Eddie's life or Eddie's sacrifice of his knee, Eddie would not have been at Ruby Pier to keep all those children safe. Sacrifice is one of the most essential themes in the book, and one that Albom ascribes closely to the inherent importance of one's life. Eddie forgives his father once he learns that the old man sacrificed his life to save an old friend. Additionally, Eddie keeps asking everyone if "Amy or Annie" lived, betraying his belief that only a successful act of sacrifice would give his life meaning. 



"You have peace when you make it with yourself."

- Ruby, pg. 113

When Ruby says this to Eddie, he refuses to believe her. Instead, he thinks about all of the inner turmoil and agitation that haunted him throughout his life. He reveals that he had hoped to simply find peace in death, but that would mean denying his past instead of having to confront his deepest insecurities. Once Eddie is able to answer his life's hardest, questions, he emerges as a better version of himself. He still holds onto all the same dreams, loves, and memories, but he has no more burdens to encumber his happiness. This is Eddie's Heaven. 

"Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade. And the harm we do, we do to ourselves."

- Ruby, pg. 141

Eddie learns from Ruby that his internal frustration and anger made him unhappy on earth - more than his father ever could. Eddie admits resenting his father for dying, furious with the old man for choosing booze over being a responsible husband and father; even in death. However, Eddie does not yet realize that by holding onto this anger, he is only doing himself a disservice and succumbing to the same demons that dragged his father down. 

"All parents damage their children. It cannot be helped."

- Narrator, pg. 104

This quote appears right before we read about Eddie’s painful childhood experiences at the hands of his father. While it may sound like a criticism at first, this statement also serves to humanize parents (specifically, Eddie's father). It also shows that in spite of or as a result of the damage parents do to their children, they irrevocably shape the adults those children will become. While Eddie can blame his bitterness, guilt, and anger on his father, Ruby helps him to see that Eddie's father was the one who shook him out of his postwar depression. Eddie's father also led him to become the protector of his mother and of all the children at Ruby Pier.