The First Stone

Chapter 14 questions please help

During their drive back to North Hills, Colville tells Reef that Jink, Scar, and Bigger are coming to visit him. Reef does not seem enthused: “The truth was, though, it didn’t feel okay, though he wouldn’t have let Colville know that. For some reason, the idea of seeing his friends again suddenly made him uneasy. Maybe it was because he hadn’t returned Scar’s calls. Yeah. That was probably it.” Why else would a visit from his old friends make Reef feel “uneasy”?

i need an answer for this question please!!!!!!

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I think that Reef has changed since volunteering at the Rehab centre. His time with Leeza and other patients has broadened his outlook on life. He no longer feels the same connection with his old friends and his old life than he once used to.