The Feminine Mystique Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What historical developments may have played a role in the creation of the ideology of the "feminine mystique?"

    To understand how this pervasive idea was created and became so widespread in the United States, it vital to understand the history taking place. Before this ideology came out, it was the era of WWII. Men were away fighting in war, creating a labor vacuum at factories and businesses that women had to fill. As a result, women gained vital work experience, sustaining the American war effort and proving that women had the same capabilities as men in the workplace. This historical development gave women the idea that they were equal and should be allowed to take part in the workplace.

    After the war was over, the men returned home and this is the time period where the ideology of feminine mystique became so widespread. Men needed to have jobs, and as a result pushed millions of women out of the workforce. The ideology created helped persuade women to stay out of the workforce by spreading the message that they would be most content at home with the family. This allowed men to take back jobs in factories and businesses, opening up avenues towards employment, which may have been a partial factor in the creation of the ideology feminine mystique.

  2. 2

    Why was Betty Friedan's account so important for the drive towards equality?

    The Feminine Mystique was extremely influential in the feminist movement and helped spark a movement towards equality for both sexes. The two main reasons it was so important because the creation of the book demonstrated capability in women, and it advocated for women's economic rights.

    By writing and publishing a successful book, Betty Friedan was able to show society and the population in general that women have the ability to deal with business and be successful outside of the domestic sphere. It also set an example for persuading other women and inspiring them to do the same. The number of female novelists increased dramatically after the publication of Friedan's text.

    Friedan advocated for women's economic opportunities and their right to pursue a career in the workforce. Instead of remaining reliant on their husbands and families, Friedan's call for economic liberties for women would allow them to be financially self-sufficient. By being financially self-sufficient, women could become independent and reach the final step in achieving equality. There could never be equality between men and women if women were continuously dependent on men for all their basic needs.

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