The Fault in Our Stars

What does Hazel

1. What does Hazel want for her parents? Does she get it at the end?

2.if the story were told from augustus point of view, how would it have ended? Would it have ended with his death or before?

3.Does Van Houten actually cares about Augustus and Hazel? Why does he feel the need to go to Gus funeral in the end?

4. Why does the chapters in the end get shorterr during the time Augustus is progressevely deteriorating?

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Hazel wants her parents to move on and truly live their lives after she's gone. She wants them to stay together.... she wants them to be a family. After learning ofher mother's classes and plans for the future, Hazel knows that although her mother won't move on with the plan while she's still alive..... there is a plan.

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The Fault in Our Stars