The Eyre Affair Irony

The Eyre Affair Irony

Dramatic irony-Hades capturing Mycroft

In the most crucial plot point in the novel i.e. Hades capturing Thursday’s uncle Mycroft for his invention that enables entering literary works, Thursday is unaware of this fact and is still searching for places where Hades could be. The reader is aware of the fact while the main character isn’t which makes this a dramatic irony.

Irony of Acheron as the main antagonist

The main antagonist of the novel-Hades Acheron is a self-aware genius that turned evil. The irony of his character as the antagonist of the novel lies in his intent. He isn’t driven by anything that usually drives the antagonists, like revenge, anger etc. He is driven by evil, his only reason and cause is the evil itself.

The best reason for committing loathsome and detestable acts- and let’s face it, I am considered something of an expert in this field-is purely for their own sake.

Situational irony-Thursday ending up with Landen

The novel’s subplot, the relationship between Thursday and Landen, takes an unexpected turn at the end. The novel alludes to Thursday having a love story with her colleague Bowden, after her story with Landen seems irreversibly done. Nevertheless, Landen and Thursday find their way to each other again, contrary to the expected outcome which makes this a situational irony.

Irony of Goliath

The Goliath organization, that represents the ultimate force for protection of the country, turns out to be nothing more but an excuse for individuals like Jack Shitt to gain power. At the end, he even sides with Acheron because of greed for power. This is what Thursday realizes very quickly and Jack Shitt ends up trapped in Raven after trying to confiscate dangerous weapons from another literary work.

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