The Epic of Gilgamesh

How does Gilgamesh characterize Humbaba? What is Humbaba's relationship with the gods?

Enkidu repeatedly associates Humbaba with death.

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Humbaba is a great beast who lives in the Cedar Forest. This beast is very frightening, so Gilgamesh thinks it might make he and Enkidu famous if they kill it. When they confront he beast, it taunts them and tries to frighten them. When this does not work, Humbaba promises to be Gilgamesh’s servant if he will spare its life. When this does not work, Humbaba asks Enkidu to understand that he has been placed in the forest by the god, Enlil, and he is only doing what he has been told to do. None of these arguments work for Humbaba and Gilgamesh kills it. Later, however, upset about Humbaba’s death, the gods ask for revenge by taking Enkidu’s life.