The English Patient (Film) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the opening image of a painting being made?

    The significance is that the painting being made is a copy of ancient cave markings that Katharine is copying. The cave is also the place where Katharine dies when Laszlo is detained and unable to return to give her aide that would have saved her life.

  2. 2

    Why is Laszlo considered to be a traitor by David?

    Laszlo traded English intelligence for a German plane in order to get Katharine's body back to England and bury her. By doing so David was captured and tortured by the German army. They would eventually cut off his fingers and David seeks revenge on Laszlo for selling him out.

  3. 3

    What cover does Geoffrey use in order to come to Egypt?

    Geoffrey uses the cover of being a member of the Royal Geographic Society as his cover for map making in Egypt. In reality he is working as a spy for British Intelligence in order to deliver them photographs of the country in order to have detailed information of the German army's infiltration.

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