The Dream Songs Characters

The Dream Songs Character List

The mother

The mother appears in the poem ‘’Dream Song 14’’ and the narrator quotes her talking about easily bored people. The mother has a rather bad opinion about those who are easily bored and because of this the narrator refuses to admit he is bored as well.

The narrator in ‘’Dream Song 14’’

The narrator is probably an elderly man, someone who can’t bear to be bored. He criticizes his mother for telling him only unintelligent people can be bored but he admits at the end of the poem that he finds nothing in his life that brings him joy.

Henry in ‘’Dream Song 14’’

Henry is presented here as a boring person, someone whom the narrator can’t stand.

The dog

The dog is another character in the poem ‘’Dream Song 14’’. The dog leaves the narrator and the rest of the world and goes on a mountain.


Her is an unnamed female that appears in the poem ‘’Dream Song 29’’. She is killed by Henry.

Henry in ‘’Dream Song 29’’

In this poem, Henry is describes as a bitter person, someone who is unhappy and who had to deal with a lot of pain.

Mr. Bones appears in the poem ‘’Dream Song 76’’ and in this poem he has a conversation with Henry about the nature of death and life.

Mr. Bones appears in the poem ‘’Dream Song 76’’ and in this poem he has a conversation with Henry about the nature of death and life.

The father

The father appears in the poem ‘’Dream Song 76’’ and the narrator talks about how he died and left him behind.

Henry in ‘’Dream Song 29’’

A different version of Henry appears in the ‘’Dream Song 29’’. The Henry is this poem is mature, probably old enough to wonder about death and also a person who is ready to give in an die.

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