The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

How does Anne describe the problem between her and her mother?


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From the text:

They've all been so nice to me this last month because of my birthday, and yet every day I feel myself drifting further away from Mother and Margot. I worked hard today and they praised me, only to start picking on me again five minutes later.

Mother and I had a so-called "discussion" today, but the annoying part is that I burst into tears. I can't help it. Daddy is always nice to me, and he also understands me much better. At moments like these I can't stand Mother. It's obvious that I'm a stranger to her; she doesn't even know what I think about the most ordinary things.

Margot's and Mother's personalities are so alien to me. I understand my girlfriends better than my own mother. Isn't that a shame?

".....Mama's always carping at me, especially at the table. Now Margot will have to bear the brunt of it. Or rather, won't, since Mother doesn't make such sarcastic remarks to her. Not to that paragon of virtue!"

As you can see, Anne's relationship with her mother is no different than most teenage girls of fourteen. Her hormones are raging, she doesn't want to be treated like a little girl, and yet, she doesn't want to be treated like an adult either. Anne is simply being fourtee, and her mother.... she just being a mom.


The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank