The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank


How does everyone's first wish reflect their individual personalities? Describe 3 of the wishes and the character traits they describe.

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From the text:

Margot and Mr. van Daan wish, above all else, to have a hot bath, filled to the brim, which they can lie in for more than half an hour. Mrs. van Daan would like a cake, Dussel can think of nothing but seeing his Charlotte, and Mother is dying for a cup of real coffee. Father would like to visit Mr. Voskuijl, Peter would go downtown, and as for me, I'd be so overjoyed I wouldn't know where to begin.

Most of all I long to have a home of our own, to be able to move around freely and have someone help me with my homework again, at last. In other words, to go back to school!

Margot, Mr. van Daan, and Mother..... life's simple luxuries.

Mr. Dussel.... companionship

Father.... intelligent conversation

Anne.... an education.

Peter..... freedom


The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank