The Devil's Arithmetic

Why is the woman in the blue dress missing two fingers?


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The blokova lost one finger during a riot and the other as a punishment for losing control of the women.

Holding up her own hand and wriggling the fingers, Rivka pointed to one. "She lost control and a whole group of zugangi rioted. That was right before I got here. They were sent through Lilith's Cave and she lost one finger. Then she lost control and six zugangi hanged themselves one night, my aunt Sarah among them. Aunt Sarah had been sick for a long time and could no longer disguise it. She knew she was to be sent to the hospital. Everyone really sick in the hospital goes up the stack. So she said to my mother, it will do the choosing, not them. God will understand.' " Rivka smiled. "A second finger. I wish Aunt Sarah could have seen the blokova's face in the morning. When they took the finger."


The Devil's Arithmetic