The Devil's Arithmetic

What is the prosses of Hannah going to the concentration camp?

Hannah goes to the concentration camp

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In Chapter Nine, Rabbi Boruch, Shmuel, and another man whom Hannah does not know approach the Nazi colonel. A tense conversation ensues, but Hannah is not close enough to hear it. When it is over, Reb Boruch announces that the soldiers are there to relocate all Jews to other villages for the duration of the war. They are all to board the trucks and be resettled immediately. Hannah reiterates that they cannot go and that if they do they will be put to death. Her concerns are quickly dismissed by the adults.

The Nazi colonel informs them that their relatives in Viosk have already been relocated. Reb Boruch calms the concerned crowd and tells them that God will provide. He begins to say a prayer aloud. All join in, including Hannah.

They board the trucks and set out on roads leading them far from Viosk. To calm the children, Gitl begins to sing a lullaby. When that does not work she instead begins to sing about a chaper, a kidnapper who steals men to fight in the army. Hannah notes that the song is not really one to calm children but instead sounds angry. As the trucks move on, the song spreads from one truck to another. Hannah feels sick but is insistent on not throwing up. She opens her mouth and joins in the song.


The Devil's Arithmetic