The Devil and Tom Walker

The Devil and Tom Walker

What sorts of activities does the devil describe himself as doing? What do those activities show about him?
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From the text:

I am the wild huntsman in some countries; the black miner in others. In this neighborhood I am known by the name of the black woodsman. I am he to whom the red men consecrated this spot, and in honor of whom they now and then roasted a
white man, by way of sweet-smelling sacrifice. Since the red men have been exterminated by you white savages, I amuse myself by presiding at the persecutions of Quakers and Anabaptists; I am the great patron and prompter of slave-dealers and the grand-master of the Salem witches."

From the text, we can infer that Old Scratch is pure evil. Everything he does is meant to bring men under his control.... to lead them to an evil life.


The Devil and Tom Walker