The Demon in the Freezer Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is the field of epidemiology often criticized?

    In the book, The Demon in the Freezer, ethical consideration is given much weight than anything else. The procedures of epidemiology discussed in the book are under sharp criticism from both researchers and politicians. The political argument is that the research conducted by epidemiologist poses a threat to the existence of humanity. Mostly, epidemiologists are studying new pathogens and they carry out these experiments using animals. These experiments are considered unethical because they involve innocent animals for the benefit of the few whose primary goal is to maximize their recognition.

  2. 2

    How does the theme of officialdom manifest itself in The Demon in the Freezer by Richard Preston?

    The study of new diseases and pathogens is gaining momentum in the United States. Every medical research firm is competing to gain more recognition and funding from the federal government. Since the study of new diseases and pathogens is volatile and risky, the government has put in place stringent measures for a firm to gain funding and working conditions. The process of gaining medical research permission from the government has become a very difficult process due to the bureaucracy that has been put in place.

  3. 3

    Why is Alfred Sommer against the practices of army epidemiologists of infecting animals with pathogens?

    According to Sommer, animals cannot give consent to what is to be done to them. Therefore, the army epidemiologists are taking advantage of their innocence to conduct dangerous experiments on them. Of great concern, Sommer argues that it is reckless for animals such as monkeys to be infected with diseases because this endangers their existence. The army is notorious with this practice of blighting monkeys with smallpox which is inhumane to these innocent creatures.

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