The Death of a Government Clerk

The Death of a Government Clerk Character List

Ivan Dmitrich Tchervyakov

Tchervyakov is "a no less fine" government clerk and the central character to the story. One evening, he visits the theater to see opera, but accidentally sneezes on another man, a general in the Department of Transport. For the rest of the story, Tchnervyakov is overcome with mortification and shame over what he did, and relentlessly attempts to apologize to Brizzhalov, the general. Tchervyakov is an example of the "little man," or a figure who ranks low in the social hierarchy and who leads a relatively simple life. His death at the end of the story is a darkly humorous nod to the effects of classism in society.


Brizzhalov is an older gentleman who gets accidentally spit on by Tchervyakov in the theater. He is the civilian general serving in the Department of Transport, in other words an important man. While he may have been annoyed and embarrassed by the sneeze, Brizzhalov makes it clear in the story (to everyone but Tchervyakov) that he wishes to ignore the incident and have nothing more to do with Tchervyakov. It is only after Tchervyakov repeatedly badgers him with apologies that Brizzhalov reacts with anger rather than apathy.

Tchervyakov's Wife

Tchervyakov's wife plays a minor role in the story, advising him to apologize to Brizzhalov in person. Like Tchervyakov, his wife is similarly concerned with social decorum and fearful of behaving poorly among more socially and politically established company.