The Darkest Minds Imagery

The Darkest Minds Imagery

Color imagery

Color imagery is present even in the name of the name character Ruby. The kids with special power are sorted out by colors when they arrive at the camps. Green and blue are the least dangerous, calm and collected, while yellows, oranges and reds are considered extremely dangerous and unpredictable.

Wreckage imagery

The situation after the discovery of the kids with special powers is dreadful. There are abandoned and wrecked homes everywhere, disrupted stores and supermarkets. It represents a post-apocalyptic world as there is barely any life to be seen.

Forest/landscape imagery

Ruby escapes Claire and Children's league through a forest and when she gets into the minds of PSF agents she tells them to go to the edge of the forest and keep walking. Forest therefore represents a sense of loss, confusion.

Night imagery

Night is the time when most important things happen. Ruby escapes Thurmond at night with Claire's help. During the night she discovers what happened to Liam, Chubs and Zu and during the night her newfound friends discover the truth about her powers.

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