The Crown (The Selection) Imagery

The Crown (The Selection) Imagery

The image of Eadlyn marrying Eikko/Erik

The image of when Eadlyn married Erik is a very significant and probably the most important imagery in the whole book. Her whole selection was based and had the main purpose of letting Eadlyn get married to a Bachelor of her choice. It is also special because she married a person who didn’t have any title, and wasn’t a part of the selection, something that hasn’t happened before.

The image of Eadlyn being rejected

Close to the ending of the book, Eadlyn proposes to Henri, but the day before the wedding, Henri rejects her. That was because he found out that Eadlyn loved Eikko, and he wanted them to be happy. It is a turning point in the story, since it means that Eadlyn would be able to truly be happy, together with her true love.

The image of Eadlyn's reflection on a "happliy ever after"

In the beginning of the duology focused on Eadlyn, she said that she didn’t believe in a “happy ever after” and that even though that happened to her parents, that would never happen to her. When she finally is married to Eikko, her true love, and both her country and her family is safe and intact, she retreats her previous statements, and says that a “happy ever after” will approach you when you least expect it, as the case was with her. The moment shows the drastic change in the character development Eadlyn has had, and sums up the book in a neat ending.

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