The Crown (The Selection) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why didn’t Eadlyn want a selection?

    Eadlyn didn’t want a selection, even though it was an easy way to get a good husband, as she got to choose from several wealthy bachelors and young men. On the other side, Eadlyn wasn’t used to being liked, and she had problems with her self-esteem, which she coped with by being mean and looking down on others. That made them like her even less. Eadlyn was afraid no one would like her, and she didn’t believe that she was ready to get married, and therefore didn’t want a selection.

  2. 2

    Why was Eadlyn’s marriage to Erik/Eikko so significant?

    Eadlyn’s marriage to Erik was a very significant detail in the book. In the beginning of her story, Eadlyn was not ready to get married, and she didn’t think anyone would like her. She judged people by their former caste and wealth instead of their heart. When Eadlyn decided to follow her heart and marry Erik instead of any of the wealthy bachelors, she showed how much she had changed from the beginning, ending the story at the tip of her character journey.

  3. 3

    Why was Eadlyn the first princess to have a selection?

    Eadlyn was the first princess to have a selection because of the traditions and norms they had In Illéa, before the reign of Queen America and King Maxon. Prior to their reign, the men’s and women’s roles were very clear; the men were the leaders and breadwinners, while the girls were at home. Queen America changed this perception, which meant that Eadlyn would have the same choices and rights as her brother did, even though she was a princess.

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