The Crossover

n the poem “Questions” Josh asks his dad not to call him “Filthy”? Why do you think he does this? What does this symbolize?

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Nicknames are an important component of the text. Sometimes, they're given to a character; sometimes, they're insisted upon by that character; sometimes, they wear out their welcome. Josh's nickname is from Dad, and it encapsulates his skill on the basketball court. It connotes his charm, his talent, his controlled aggression, and his showmanship. However, it represents only one facet of his personality, and as he starts to watch JB change and Dad face health issues, he starts to eschew "Filthy" and return to "Josh." Josh is a more multi-faceted name that includes his status as a son, brother, student, friend, potential boyfriend (he wishes!), and, still, basketball star. Josh doesn't want Dad to call him "Filthy" anymore, especially as Dad grows sicker and sicker, because he wants Dad to see him as more than just a basketball player.