The Crossover

Josh and Jordan’s dad has a strange episode where he appears to be choking. Why do you think the boys don’t tell their mother? What do you think you would do if you were in the boys’ shoes?

idk just answer it honestly

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The boys are doing free throws with Dad when suddenly Dad bowls over and starts coughing with a horrible look on his face and sweat on his brow. JB reacts by getting the hose and spraying water on Dad’s face; suddenly, Dad is not coughing but rather laughing. Dad grabs the hose and sprays both of them. They laugh, but Josh is only laughing on the outside.

JB thinks Dad probably got something stuck in his throat and they don’t need to tell Mom. They don’t, but Josh feels strange about it. I think the boys want to believe that their dad is okay perhaps invincible. They no mom might make a "big deal" of the situation.