The Cricket in Times Square

The Cricket in Times Square Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Star (Symbol)

When Tucker and Harry take Chester up to the street to see Times Square for the first time, Chester is initially extremely overwhelmed. After a while, though, he catches sight of a star he recognizes from back home in Connecticut. This star symbolizes the life he has left behind. Even though New York is a very different place, part of his old life will always remain with him, comforting him as he faces the new and unknown.

The Silver Bell (Symbol)

Conversely to the symbol of the star, the little silver bell that Sai Fong gives to Mario to put in the cricket cage is a symbol for Chester's new life in New York. It represents the friendships he has made there and all he has accomplished, and this is why he decides to take it with him back to Connecticut at the end of the story. It will serve as a reminder of his summer in the big city.

Music and Violins (Motif)

Music—in particular, the sound of a violin—is a recurring motif in this story. Chester's chirp is frequently described as sounding like a soft violin playing, and other characters' voices, including Sai Fong's, are described using musical terminology as well. Music is a unifying theme in The Cricket in Times Square; somehow, Chester's music is able to tie everyone together.

The Newsstand (Symbol)

The Bellinis newsstand represents the family itself, since it is its sole source of income and entire livelihood. The Bellinis would not be who they are without the newsstand, and as an object, it is closely tied to the family throughout the story. For Chester, too, the newsstand symbolizes security and safety in the midst of the new, bustling place in which he has found himself.