The Color of Water

Why does James punch the boy on the bus?

Chapter 4

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James punches the boy because his father was a Black Panther.

I jumped into the seat of the Black Panther’s son behind me—his window was open. The counselor placed me back in my seat.

“Mommy, Mommy!” I yelled at the closed window.

Mommy was waving. The bus pulled away.

I shouted, “Watch out for him!” but we were too far away and my window was shut. She couldn’t hear me.

I saw the Black Panther waving at his son. Mommy waved at me. Neither seemed to notice the other. When they were out of sight, I turned to the Black Panther’s son sitting behind me and punched him square in the face with my fist. The kid held his jaw and stared at me in shock as his face melted into a knot of disbelief and tears.


The Color of Water